Thursday, 13 September 2012


I should have known something bad was bound to happen. Earlier this week I got an email from the HR lady at work informing us of the R U OK? campaign and encouraging us to join in on the 13th of September - “When last did you ask your colleague or friend, R U OK?”. Soon after, my colleague asked me if I was ok, and I duly informed him that he can only ask me that question on the 13th.

Anyway, the 13th arrived and I had a rather unusual start to my day - I left on time for the bus stop. I somehow missed that subtle warning. I then got to the train station and the train was on time. Again the hint was lost on me. Would you believe it, but when I got on the train I actually got a seat. By this time I should have known to rather go home and lie down because no day of mine starts that perfectly, especially not a day that falls on the 13th.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Spiders, dust and splinters

It’s been a while since I’ve last written something on this blog. There are a few reasons for this; As you may have noticed, I finally converted my photography interest into a hobby a few months ago and that blog steals most of my time on the train back home from work. Of course the other reason is that we have now been “down under” for almost five years and life has a way of changing anything that is new and exciting into mundane routine. When I do have a story to tell, it then relies on the presense of that elusive inspiration. I told my sister the other day, inspiration is a lot like going to the loo. Some days you push and push and nothing happens, and other times it comes like the volcanic whoopies and you have to drop everything and start writing before it is too late and all is lost. But before I expand too much on that disturbing thought, here is the next story from the life of the “Möllers Down Under”…

Spinnekoppe, stof en splinters...

Dis nou al ‘n hele paar maande sedert ek laas hier kom skryf het. Daar is ‘n paar redes hiervoor; Soos julle seker al agter gekom het, het ek ‘n paar maande gelede uiteindelik my ander belangstelling in ‘n stokperdjie omskep, naamlik fotografie, en daardie blog steel maar die meeste van my tyd op die trein terug huis toe vanaf die werk. Die ander ding natuurlik is dat ons nou al amper vyf jaar “down under” is en die lewe het maar ‘n manier om enigiets wat nuut en opwindend is te verander in die alledaagse en vervelige roetine. Wanneer daar dan wel ‘n storie is om te vertel is dit afhanklik van die teenwoordigheid van daai liewe inspirasie. Ek het so rukkie terug vir my sussie vertel dat inspirasie baie is soos om toilet toe te gaan - soms druk jy en druk jy en niks gebeur nie, ander kere is dit soos gietergriep en moet jy net hardloop en begin skryf of dis te laat en alles is verlore. Nou ja, voor ek te veel uitbrei op daardie ontstellende gedagte, hier is die volgende storie in die Möllers se lewens “Down Under”…